Monday, January 25, 2010

going private

I am sure you have noticed by now that we have taken the blog private. My fellow mama friends were all linked to some FREAK who had created a blog using pictures of many of my friends children and claiming them as their own family. I felt that we were only a few clicks away from being added to the list of those who had been violated so I decided to take action. While this is in fact very sad, it is also very frightening. I always knew that a public blog left us open to this possibility, but when it became a reality I was far more unprepared than I had imagined. My friend Erika had several, and I mean SEVERAL pictures of her beautiful daughter Annika posted all over this other blog. It isn't just the pictures that were the scary part, it was the fact that this person had taken the time to write extensive "details" about their "life with their kids" when it was in fact OTHER PEOPLES CHILDREN in the pictures. FREAK. OF. NATURE.

Soooooo needless to say, Mama Berg is now P R I V A T E. More to come.

1 comment:

Jordan Griffin said...

OH MY SO CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It gives me chills. That could lead to some Law & Order stuff. Yikes.