Monday, December 26, 2011

A Johnny Carson Christmas

It was a real laugh riot around here yesterday. Eric and I kept looking for the hidden camera's behind the tree and ducking in anticipation of wayward boom mics but none appeared. The kids kept us in stitches with the following gems:

Lucas to Mama as she checked on him in the potty in the early morning hours:
Oh Mom! You scared me to death! I thought you were Santa. I thought I was a goner, a real goner. I gotta tell you that magic, even good magic, freaks me out a little bit.

Mama to Daddy: All I want for Christmas is a date honey.
Lucas from the kitchen: With someone else?
Mama through Daddy's hysterical laughter: No honey. With DADDY.
Lucas: Oh. Yeah.

Julia to Mama as she heads for the restroom: Mama you goin' potty?
Mama: Yes Ma'm.
Julia: Careful! Don't get any on your pretty robe!

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