Saturday, April 07, 2012

A Lot of Catching Up To Do

I found all of these pictures that needed to be blogged, so here we go. Above: Basketball wrap up and the wonderful Coach Joe.
Above: Playing battleship with Max-y-boy
Below: Shootin hoops with Daddyman
Nap time with Mama. She NEVER sleeps with me. Lucas did all the time. It is such a treat when she does.
Above: Ruth and Lucas play Wii. These two are kindred spirits. The played without interruption and with very little conflict for 3 hours straight. She is fearless and fun and wild and he just LOVES hanging out with her. They had a blast.
Julia Louise in tutu, flower heart pants, heart shirt with Buzz shirt over the top, mismatched socks, and wrong footed pink shoes. Plus sunglasses.
Final Saturday morning of break sillies.
Above: Boppa's picture of mischief making. Below: Zoo with Boppa and Sandy.
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