Monday, June 23, 2014


What we've been up to.

I got out of school one week before the kiddos this year.  We are both on balanced calendars with them going back mid August and me returning JULY 24!  I know, right?  I love balanced calendar almost every other time except July.  So me getting out early was great because I got to go to their school and see them in action, clean and declutter a few things, and go to yoga.  Here are some of the things we've been up to lately.

Indians Game with the Huddlestons: June 2014
Jude age 2, Auden age 5, Lucas age 8, Julia age 5

Julia's Preschool Celebration June 2014
It's off to Kindergarten in the fall

Throwback to Easter: Julia age 4 and Hazel age 3

Lady Capulet
First Folio Productions
June 2014

Last Day of School 2014
Lucas Age 8, Julia Age 4
Last day of 2nd Grade and last day of Preschool

Lucas's School karate class, Green Belt Promotion Day
June 2014

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