Wednesday, December 02, 2009


Yesterday Eric flew to Montreal for work, so naturally Julia Louise decided to get extremely sick and I ended up rushing her to the ER at around 8pm. Julia Katherin met us there and they started to work on making Julia Louise better right away. When we arrived her oxygen saturation levels were jumping around from 84 to 92!

They gave her an albuterol treatment and that didn't really do anything, so they started her on oxygen after suctioning out her nose with saline. The oxygen (and some illegal breastfeeding in order to keep the oxygen in her nose) seemed to help quite a bit, but she still wasn't sticking close enough to 100 percent saturation so the ER doc decided to admit us. You know your kid is sick when you are relieved to be admitted, let me tell you! I couldn't bear the thought of going home and sitting staring at her all night wondering every three minutes if I needed to take her in.

My Mom was at our house with Lucas the entire time. He slept through it all and only knew something was up when he awoke to find my mom instead of me and Eric in the big bed. He was none to happy let me tell you, but recovered quickly. Meanwhile Julia finally seemed to settle in around 3am with oxygen levels at 100 fairly consistently. I sent my Dad home at 145 and told him he could return with breakfast in the morning. Julia passed out and slept for 5 straight hours without moving a single muscle. I know. I sat there and stared at her for most of that time.

The nurses and staff were really great. They took great care of both of us and she is home with me now. She is still stuffy and not entirely well, but better than last night. Needless to say, I am just grateful for how healthy my kids are compared to the other rooms I walked past last night after we were admitted. It makes a screaming baby and cranky toddler look like a walk in the park. One bed just looked like blankets and wires, you could hardly tell there was a little person in there. I never expected to leave the hospital feeling lucky.
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Patty Lester said...

Carrie---what a rough night. So glad to hear she is better. Sure hope you got some rest too. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Love, Aunt Patty

Joanne said...

I'm so sorry! You poor baby, you must be exhausted and strung out. I have had Anthony twice to the hospital and I know just what you mean, it makes any troubles we have seem so small. I hope Julia continues to improve!

Erika said...

carrie, what an incredibly tough night. i am so sorry. (((hugs))) i am so glad she's okay. what a night of worry you had. i know- not a day goes by that i am not grateful for annika and blythe's health...something that i could never ever take for granted. a friend of mine's five year old daughter is battling leukemia, for the second time in her life. absolutely heartbreaking...

Jus said...

Poor little peanut! -