Sunday, February 27, 2011

Julia Louise

Busy Busy Busy is the theme. She is into everything. She loves Lucas and babies and playing and talking. She has red hair, red eyelashes, and red eyebrows so we think it is here to stay. She also has the personality to match.
She has this great little gravely voice that is low and is HILARIOUS. She likes learning new words and naming all of the people she knows and saying they are "nice." For example: "Daddy Nice, Mama Nice, OOS nice (lucas), Gran Nice..."
She doesn't suck her thumb. Lucas sucks his thumb. This is his blanket. You have to suck your thumb when you hold is blanket, or as she calls it, his "minky."
Babies are a lot of work. You have to feed them and bathe them and change their diapers and go through all of the tupperware in the plastics drawer to make sure you have enough for feeding them.

OH those eyelashes! Couldn't you JUST DIE? And the curls to match.


Stephanie said...

Big girl! Maggie loves babies too and has a deep voice too. Love your girl's hair!!!!!

Abby said...

i can't take her!!!

Joanne said...

My nephew is a redhead and until I met him, I never really believed that redhead=temper think. Yikes! But so charming and adorable too.