Wednesday, July 20, 2011

He Coulda Been a Contenda

Lucas with a broken nose, summer 2011, age 5.

He broke it trying to do a flip like his friend Beau. In a bounce house. At Monkey Joe's.

He kneed himself in the nose and it "snapped" according to Eric. I wasn't present at the time. Thank God for me. Sucks for Eric.

The phone pictures don't really do it justice. It was awful at first. The swelling and bruising and blood. Boy. It sucked.

Julia Louise was very concerned about him. This picture is actually the morning before he broke his nose.

It was a really great morning; very little screaming and fussing. You know how rare that can be with a 5 year old and a 2 year old.

While they were at Monkey Joe's Julia played with Auden.

They went to the splash park. It wasn't quite as planned what with the chaos at the other end of town. But Daddy handled it really well. And life continued.

Julia with Donut holes. That she got down herself by sliding a stool up to the counter and filling her bowl on her own.

Even sweet pretty two-year-old's follow you into the bathroom. It's a thing babies do.

Lucas computing at the library many weeks before the nose break. Calculating how long it would take him to take over the world I imagine.

Dressed as scooby doo. Thanks mama Jill!

Julia watching "cluesy" as she calls blues clues. "Where Steve Mama?"

Balance beam boy off to kindergarten in two weeks. I can't take it.

Being a doctor.

Wow. He fell asleep FAST Mama! 2 minutes from leaving the cabin in Michigan and he was OUT.

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1 comment:

Bob said...

Thanks for all these images!