Friday, July 15, 2011

July 2011

The summer has flown by and is almost over. A large part of that is due to the fact that we all work at or go to year round schools so we only have 7 weeks off. Here is some recap from this past month of vacation.
We went to Michigan again this year. This is Lucas's third year there and Julia Louise's second.

There was lots of swimming on the beach, tennis, and basketball. We took a day trip to the Indiana Dunes with Aunt Gigi and Danny. That was very fun. Large sand mountains.

There isn't really anything vacation-ey about traveling with kids as young as ours. It's more like taking the circus on the road rather than a break of some kind. Sleeping in the same room as your children in an unfamiliar setting where the baby gets up every day at 5:00 am and has to removed from the premises in order to keep from waking 30+ other people is more like some kind of warfare or tactical maneuver than a "break."

Lucas is five in every way. He is smart and funny and crazy and likes to say "poop" and "fart."

He is easily frustrated by anything that threatens his independence. He loves his sister in spite of her constant cuteness in the midst of his anger and frustration at life's little bumps. They are very dear friends and I love watching them together.

Aunt Patty sent a doctor's kit and this amazing dress for Julia's second birthday. The kit is a hit, and so is the dress. She won't wear hardly any dress I put on her, but she wears this one ALLLLLLLLLL the time, "My Aunt Patty give it me my happy birthday dress!"

I let her wear it whenever she wants. I'm not much for "don't get the nice clothes dirty" or anything like that, so she wears what she wants when she wants. Soon enough she will be in uniform for Kindergarten, or perhaps even preschool if she goes with Lucas to 60 rather than Fairview.
Lucas took this picture of her (above). This is one of my favorite's.

The dress at the park. We walked to the park on this particular day. It was warm but not sweltering. It's a mile and a half trek there and another mile and a half back. The walk is a great way for me to get my exercise in for the day and it makes for some nice quiet time with both kiddos strapped in.

She is full of personality and energy. She is my little red-haired shadow these days. I remember when Lucas was two and followed me everywhere. I love having her around where ever I go. Back to school is going to be rough, but it always is.

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Joanne said...

Beautiful pictures! I am a teeeensy bit envious at you going back to work. I understand the draw of being home but the thought of walking around! With no one behind me! Is v. enticing. :)

rasdawta said...

oh carrie, you and eric have such wonderful kids. i love, love, love your family.


Erika said...

all so adorbs! look at that long haired girl!!! :-)