Saturday, August 20, 2011

And All Was Quiet on the Broad Ripple Front

The little lady celebrated a victorious return to the baby room by putting on 6 pairs of underpants and her brothers' shoes. Like you do.

The kids and I celebrated a good week with a Happy Meal date after a double pick up by Mama. I rarely get to fetch them both from school, but on days that I post cast lists I leave before the last bell and my friend Mr. P covers the last five minutes of my class. It is better that way. For everyone involved.

She is very tall and silly these days. She missed her brother this week.

They were so used to having each other all summer that it has been a big adjustment, but it just makes the time they are together that much more special.

Lucas lost his third tooth last week and the fourth is loose right now. He is a cross between a jack o'lantern and a little boy.

He is really liking Kindergarten. He has made lots of friends but still misses his buddy Weston on a daily basis.

After nuggets and ice cream we got a red box movie. It is the best kind of weekend. Just lying around getting things done in between movies, snuggles, and hugs.

We highly recommend the movie RANGO. It is very funny to both kids and adults. A little scary for the younger ones (2 year old sisters) but great fun.

Reunited over apple dippers. It doesn't get much better than this.

We may venture to the final day of the state fair tomorrow. And we may not. We were there the day the stage collapsed. We had already left but it was our big day at the fair. Not how we wanted to remember it. My dad and his wife were at the concert along with my best friend Ashley. Everyone is fine. They all saw the stage come down though. I don't think they will ever be the same.

It makes us all appreciate what we have just a little bit more.

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Anonymous said...

Sending our Love 2 you and saving a spot on the beach for whenever you need it.

Gran said...

Thanks for these pictures. I enjoyed the text as much as the pictures. Thanks and love.