Saturday, August 06, 2011

Back to School

Mama's school had the distinction of being the first school in the entire nation to return to classes last week. Let the celebration begin! not.

We are a year-round school so I guess it makes sense. Plus when you are worried about possible take over then you do what you gotta do to get ahead. Soooooo it has been crazy round' these parts. (this picture above is an old one of Lucas when he first broke his nose, he looks much better these days)

So as I was saying we have been busy. Daddy took over as full time stay at home dad this week. He and Lucas go to school on Monday the 8th. Julia goes on the 18th. They had a pretty good week. For whatever reason, both kids are better when there is only one parent around. Go figure.


Lucas takes the BEST pictures of her for whatever reason. Probably the fact that he is just the right height and she loves him more than anything else on the planet. Or something like that.

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1 comment:

Joanne said...

I do love the pictures he takes of her. He looks like a badass in that nose picture. I wish you all kinds of luck tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you all!