Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What Works

Lucas is working on his trading card project at school in the above picture. We have been very happy with his progress at school this year. The classes are diverse, the teachers are experts, and the rooms are hands-on. So far this year they have built a model of an airplane in the classroom that is big enough for the entire class to sit in. They have taken a field trip to Clowes Hall, written several "books" with illustrations, talked about gravity and force, and worked on non-fiction books. This is just to name a few. So far so good Kindergarten. Aside from complete exhaustion on Saturday and rough nights at home because of the sleepies it has all been what I would deem successful. Woot.


Erika said...


The Carrels said...

Yeah...switch out built an airplane with started a school wide recycling program :) So far so GREAT - not just good - in my opinion!

dtmlester said...

Reggio Emilia sounds so great. I don't think anyone is currently doing it here in Columbia. We continue to be super happy with Joe's Montessori preschool, so much so that he will be continuing on at least until he is 5, and Ava begins next week. Hooray for alternatives in education!