Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring Break 2012

We are all on break right now. It has been beautiful outside, not too hot and not too cold, and we have been trying to enjoy it as much as possible. This picture has nothing to do with any of that. This is Julia napping under a Gran quilt. I cannot get enough pictures of my kiddos under these quilts.

Does this hat make my head look ducky? Sweet devil.

When I was clearing the garden for planting I found and unopened Geode. Eric cracked it for Lucas and he spent most of the day hanging out with it, examining and just looking. He is a scientist I think.

Hard at work. Lucas likes to concentrate on things he cares about, but to do that they have to be about 2 inches from his face otherwise "his brain distracts him."

This is Julia smiling for "her Branna." Brannon is a former student of mine that she has just adored ever since she was a tiny little infant. She would just stare and stare at him from her car seat. We send him pictures at Northwestern on Saturday mornings. She just loves it.

Julia at the playground in the sand. Such a peaceful picture. Do not be deceived. Right now they are screaming at deafening pitches and running amok while I ignore them to post this.

Lucas's head on my lap while we watch Wipeout on TV.

Toys on the kitchen floor in jammies.

Bohemian drummer girl.

The final countdown duh duh duh do do do do!

The porch is open! Muggy and messy but open for business.

Hooray for spring!
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1 comment:

Jus said...

I think that Julia went from a toddler to a little girl just between the last post and this one.