Monday, June 06, 2011

A Recent Conversation with Lucas, Age 5

Mom, do they make ties for boys? Boys like me? In my size?

You mean like, ties (gesturing down my front)?

Yeah, like Daddy wears to work sometimes.

Yes baby. They make ties in your size.

Where do you get them?

At a department store.

Like Macy's?

Yep. Like Macy's.

Can I get one sometime?

Sure. (pause) Why do you think you might want a tie?

So I can wear it.

Where would you wear it?

To like a cook out.


Just to see what people might think of me. In my tie.


Bob said...

Thus begins the iterated existence of the super-ego.

Gran said...

Keep documenting, Mama. The questions will only get more interesting!

The Carrels said...

We have a tie that Max hates...if Lucas would like to borrow it to see what people might think of him in his tie, he is welcome to it! Oh, and tell Lucas that I think he would be handsome in a tie.