Saturday, November 19, 2011

It's Been A Long November

Poor buddy. Lucas landed in the hospital last weekend for his asthma. He was there for 3 days and two nights.

He has viral-induced restrictive airway disorder. This particular round of virus was nasty.

The emergency room at Peyton Manning's children's hospital was actually on the news for the number or Respiratory admissions they did that weekend.

Mama hasn't left his side since. I took a week off of work. My boss has been amazing and for that I am eternally grateful. I didn't worry once while I was with him.

He is home and on the mend. The goals were to get his treatment frequencies down and get him off of his liquid steroids. We are there so that is good.

Aunt Gigi was his day nurse while we were in the hospital. It was such a gift to have her there everyday. It made the whole ordeal that much more bearable.

On the grand scale of illness he was remarkably better than the other children on his floor. BUT he was not in very good shape when he first came in. Especially considering he had already had two rounds of steroids. It was the sickest he has ever been. And hopefully ever will be.

Pet ministry made a visit while he was there. It was really nice. The dogs were very calming.

We have been fortunate to have the help of family and friends at every turn. They have brought meals, groceries, and latte's to keep us going.

Julia was very concerned about her brother and where he was and why he wasn't at home. I took her in to see him on day 2 and while she was nervous at first I think she was very glad to see his face and know that he was okay.

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1 comment:

Gran said...

I really appreciate this post. It's been a hard and scarey month. And, now both kids are mending, and both musicals are in the past. Much to be grateful for. Blessings to all!