Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What Did You Do at School Today?

Worked in the garden with my friend Cameron.  We measured the Basil plants.
I heard a story today on NPR on my way to work.  It was about a little boy who is in grade 3.  He hadn't passed the most recent reading exam for 3rd graders and was going to be held back next year if he didn't pass the retake in June.  He told the reporters he felt "stupid" for not passing.  His grades were on average B's and C's.  He was well spoken and sweet in his interview.  His mother was mad as hell and had every right to be.  All I could think of was my children and how if they had to go through something like that I would lose it.  I am not an awesome homeschooling mama, but if Lucas had to go through that I would become one.  I would yank my boy  out of school so fast your head would spin.  It's not as if we could afford for me to stay home. We can't or I would, but if it came down to some nimrod like Tony Bennett making my child feel stupid for failing one exam we would find a way to make it work.

This is when I feel grateful for Lucas's school.  They are amazing.  He is learning, nay thriving, and he is constantly challenged in his class on a daily basis.  I cannot imagine trying to differentiate instruction for such a broad range of learners as are seen in his class, but somehow they do it, and the Reggio model is to thank I think (in addition to the amazing staff).  I don't know what the future holds for IPS, or for Lucas, but I do know that right now I am so very glad that we landed at our third choice school.  I just couldn't be happier.  

Did I mention that the little boy in the NPR story missed the passing grade by 3 points?  Yeah.  3 points.  He has "test anxiety."  He is 9. And now he feels like a failure.  Thanks Tony Bennett, thanks a lot.

1 comment:

Jus said...

love it - and love that garden shot of Lucas. My word, how time flies!